Step by step process for Returns & Exchange:
- Return / Exchange request needs to be within 7 days of the delivery date.
- We do not take return on sale items or any discounted items
- Order needs to be returned by the customer
- Once we receive the product, we would get in touch with you to confirm your request. .
- Please note we do not do refunds.We exchange the product in case there is a size/fit issue
- In case there is a manufacturing defect we refund the whole amount. Manufacturing defects are subject to approval from our quality department
- Orders booked in any discount scheme cannot be exchanged or returned
- In case the package is tampered or open do not accept the same at the time of delivery.
- Note: All returned products must be unused or unwashed or undamaged and return with the original packing and tags when we receive it. Items without tags will not be accepted.
- Note: The refund / exchange is subject to your returns meeting the above conditions else returns / exchange will not be accepted.
In case you receive a damaged / defective product, we should be notified within 24 hours of delivery. Also, we request you to email us a photograph of the damaged / defective product on In case you fail to intimate about the same, return might not be processed.